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I love this gamee!! It's so cute and actually creative. Also the main character is beautiful, she reminds me of Nanami from Kamisama.

Thank you for the sweet comment, Kali!! I never read/watched Kamisama but Nanami looks adorable β™₯


it feels like watching a movie! I like this type of independent, Induced and harmless yandere

Thank you, Jolyne! I'm glad to read this, as this is exactly the feeling I was trying to capture. I find this film/tv show look so charming! hehe

Hope you had fun with the game! :)


Locked out has a beautiful art style! I love Sallie so so much!! She's so cool and badass but also kind of clumsy and relatable. Also, Kian is kinda hot...

Aww, thank you! Reading this made me happy!! ☺️


I'm curious to know about Kien's other yandere tendencies. It was very well made and I love your artstyle! Did you have any other ideas about him as a yandere? 


Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! ☺️

I won't go into too much detail (in case I decide to continue their story one day πŸ‘€), but I can tell you a bit more about Kien.

He's a character who's very meticulous, knows how people work and can adapt his behavior to suit his goals. He's very protective of his interests - and here Sallie is a strong one - and intense with his feelings. However, there is one personal aspect that sets him apart from the general tendency of Yandere characters - he won't willingly engage in physical violence. He knows how to fight (because of his past *cough*), but it's not his thing. 


I WANT MOREEE GIMME MOREEEπŸ˜«β€οΈβ€πŸ”₯❀️‍πŸ”₯β£οΈπŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ’–β€οΈβ€πŸ”₯

Aww, I'm sorry it's so short! But thank you so much for playing! ☺️


AAAAAH it was so good >< i love how u made Sallie act and her design is so pretty 😍

(1 edit)

Thank youuu, Mizuki!! I'm glad! β™₯



maaan that was soo good that even after I finish it I replay it to see other ending like an idiotπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Oh myyy! πŸ˜‚

Thank you very much for playing, RiRi! 


Absolutely love the art and the GUI !!! Everything is so pretty and I love the ambience. Also may be a little down bad for Kien...

I'm just sad that it was so short :( Things were getting real juicy!!! I know it's complete but would really love to see more of these two!!!

I saw the comment about Sallie confronting Kien right away seemingly out of nowhere and I kind of agree, except I thought she was also kind of a little crazy too because of that LOL if that's the case then sweet, love me some crazies <3

Thank you very much for your sweet comment, I'm glad you liked it!! ☺️

Oh, man... I'm honestly starting to feel guilty for making the game so short, even though I forced myself to start small with my first vn hahahah

And you're right! She's not as harmless as she seems ;)


Naw it's really good for a first game !!! Looking forward to what you put out next >:)

(5 edits) (+2)(-3)

The game was really good up until a certain point and then it just jumped the shark; Sally immediately going into Kien's apartment and grabbing him by the neck after her call with the locksmith came out of nowhere. It broke the immersion and took me out of the story. That's just not how people behave in the real world. 

I understand her getting angry at him, maybe even going over to his place to give him a piece of her mind (although that seems unwise after what she just learned on the phone), but for her to start choking him out appears unhinged and goofy. Maybe if you want to put a scene like that in the game it should occur for later after a few more incidents of Kien showing problematic behavior. Everything up to this point has characterized Sally as someone who wants to avoid conflict, not a person who resorts to violence when right away.

Edit: I've read some of the comments on here and found out the game is complete. It really gives the impression of being a demo. I would seriously advise working on the ending a bit. It just doesn't feel complete, even for a cliffhanger. 

(1 edit) (+4)

Hey there!

Thank you so much for playing it and for your critique! Feedback is very important to me.

Putting myself in the shoes of the player/reader, I believe I can understand what you described.

I tried to make the two characters believable, but I also gave myself full creative freedom to make them way more intense than what you would expect for socially acceptable behavior. 

Kien is a Yandere character. Sallie seems to be a person who avoids conflict (exactly as you described), but who experiences a great deception by someone she trusted and was developing a crush on. Her unexpected reaction to the truth is part of something that we also didn't know about her - she also has a dark side.

I'm sorry if you didn't like the ending. I know cliffhangers can be frustrating... I used to hate them when I was younger, until I found the charm in how they made me think of so many theories! lol

I hope you still had fun with the game! πŸ˜„


OMGGG BRO TH1S WAS SO GOOD >u< !! 1t  r3ally k3pt m3 0n my t03s !!  1 wish 1t was long3r w1th  3nd1ngs but im look1ng forward to s33 what else your br1ll1ant  mind com3s w1th n3xt !! 

S3nd1ng lov3 to the cr3ator  γ₯οΏ£3οΏ£οΌ‰γ₯β•­β€οΈο½ž\   !!!


Thank you so much!! I'm glad you like it :)


bro that was amazing!!! the part where the girl was holding the guys neck!! GAHHH BI PANIC!!! If you ever decide to add more, i definitely play it!! Cant wait to see what other games you produce!! :D


Thank you very much, Bella!! Awesome to know that you had fun playing it! 😊

I hope you will also enjoy what's coming up in the future!


is... that supposed to be the ending or will there be more updates?


The game is finished :) 

Thanks for playing!

(4 edits) (+1)

okay firstly the end was really abrupt i just went rushing to comment here because you got me good with the gripping and thrilling story, cinematic cozy vibes look+polished clean well-done background and charming characters disarmed my suspicion early on until the hints kicked into a building horror realization that is. Despite this being kinetic (and mind you that this was the first kinetic vn I played as far as I remembered), I enjoyed it a lot since I tend to steer off kinetic narrative, I'm all about having choices y'know.

Secondly, allow me to rant my thoughts about it, and him so spoilers ofc:

Kindly, please back off from Sallie, Kien give her a break I literally felt her frustration >:0 at this rate he's asking for some beating he stressed me out so much with all his schemes and shii. I admit I've got to give it to him, acting all normal and professional at first if only he didn't have the itch in him to display that Matryoshka doll out, drugged her (highly convinced of this) and pulled that last stunt all on purpose. Such a shame he seemed like a real sweetheart, and to find out he was a freaky stalker? I couldn't believe I was disappointed for him being a yandere even though I was into it and dived in with that expectation, which achieved more than anticipated especially since you went all out on this first solo project so I didn't regret finishing it at all haha!

Just few questions I appreciate a lot if you sate my curiousity:

- They looked similar by the color of hair and eyes (almost), I wonder if Kien did like copy her or take inspiration from her? 

- Were all that he had told her like his job etc hold lies?

- The ace of spade card displayed on the table near front door might symbolise something about him but, what exactly?

- Any sneek peek or plans about continuation, more about them? 

Thank you for such a good job you did on this!:D


Hey, Manedza!

Thank you so much for such a thoughtful comment!!

I'm very glad you decided to play the game - even though it's a kinectic vn - and enjoyed it :')

I can totally understand your feelings. Even if I was the one writing it, I also found myself feeling frustrated about what happens. I got so attached to his character that I almost didn't want this "innocence" to be broken... lol

About your questions:

- The color palettes for both of their designs (actually for the whole game's aesthetic) were intentionally more on the darker side. I tried some other colors, but I just loved these shades of blue hair/brown eyes and green hair/pink eyes for them. In the beginning, Sallie was going to have a more vivid blue hair, along with a short haircut, but I was happier with the style she has now. Kien didn't change anything about his appearance to match hers.

- Everything he told her about himself was true.

- He enjoys different art pieces and is very good at playing cards. The frame symbolizes luck and strategy.

- I don't think so, to be honest. I wanted to keep the story short and I think it will stay that way. Unless I get a great idea in the future that makes me very sure about doing a continuation, the story ends here.

Thanks again for taking the time to write your comment and for playing! :D




But some things are better left to the imagination!! πŸ‘€

Thank you very much for playing!


this was so much fun!! oh my god, the art is absolutely gorgeous. the atmosphere was so engaging. and both the characters are charming, in their own way. the background design was STUNNING. 

spoiler territory: 

i'm so glad sallie didn't ignore all the absolutely blatant red flags. like, the matryoshka doll, the tea, the locksmith. even in the beginning you can tell she's good at scoping out suspicious people,,  i'm hitting kien with a stick 

Hi, Grain! 

What a sweet comment, I'm very flattered! ;_; 

Thank you so much for playing and for the beautiful feedback. I had a lot of trouble drawing these backgrounds (as I'm more used to draw characters) but i wanted to make them nice for the game β™‘ 

And you have my blessing to fight him πŸ˜‚ he deserves it hahaha


Ohhhhhh I was EXCITED, the atmosphere is perfect~

The writing is enchanting (don't get me started about how that guy hit me good with the flirting), but what I liked the most is how the story subverts my expectation~ Well, played as expected, but subvert it in a way that makes me goes "I KNEW IT!". ALSO I WANT MORE NOOOOOO hahaha, keep it up!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, Terry! Thanks a lot for playing and for making the video, I will definitely check it out!

It's so nice to read that you've enjoyed the writing and the atmosphere. Receiving such a nice feedback is very rewarding!

And, well... Kien is a certified smooth operator ;)


very cute game! i really loved the characters and the art style. i'll definitely play it again when the brazilian portuguese translation is released!

Thank you very much, Ashe! I'm glad you liked it!

And great that you wanna play it again in portuguese - the translation is in progress and will come out soon. NΓ£o vai demorar ;)


My first visual novel game that i play and it was great. Great job!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi, Sage!

How cool to know that this was your first visual novel! I'm happy you enjoyed the game and even recorded a video about it. I will watch it as soon as I can! :)

Thank you very much for playing and good luck with your YT Channel!